
Tell your U.S. Senators: Pass the Justice in Policing Act
The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act would be an important step forward in stopping police brutality and gun violence.
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We’re hosting a series of virtual conversations between Moms Demand Action founder, Shannon Watts, and women leaders from around the country.
Watch here
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Everytown Victory Fund to Spend at Least $1 Million to Flip Iowa State House to Gun Sense Majority in 2023; Target Dozens of Vulnerable House Districts
City Gun Violence
In 2015, half of all gun homicides in the U.S. took place in just 127 cities. Together, these cities contain less than a quarter of the country’s population.
I’ve been on a mission to prevent other mothers from the tragedy that changed our family’s lives

Gun violence touches every town in America. For too long, change has been thwarted by the gun lobby and by leaders who refuse to take common-sense steps that will save lives.
About Everytown

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The stories on Moments That Survive honor those who have felt the impact of gun violence. These are the moments and memories that survive.
Moments that Survive